
ISO 9001 certified logo

Quality Management System

Jani-King have been accredited to ISO 9001 Quality Management System since 2016 and have since continued to show our commitment to the quality principles of ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘continual improvement’. Through our quality management system, we endeavour to ensure we meet all the needs of our both our Franchisee Partners and our Cleaning Customers.

Through extensive training, ongoing support, regular inspections, business reviews and continually providing opportunities for business growth, we care for our Franchisees and support them to build their business into the size and structure they are aiming for. Through training in our well-established systems and procedures, Franchisees can benefit from our decades of experience in the commercial cleaning industry.

We take the delivery of cleaning services to our clients personally. We ensure that each client is assigned a Franchisee, or suitably qualified contractor, fit for their purpose. Through our customer evaluations, and our own regular inspections at each of our client’s sites, the service we provide is monitored ensuring that all customer expectations are met and provided in a consistent manner.

To find out more, please read our Jani-King Quality Policy.

ISO 9001 certified logo
ISO 45001 certified logo

Workplace Health & Safety
Management System

In 2019, Jani-King achieved certification to the ISO 45001 international standard for Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems. We have continued to develop our WHS system to include a comprehensive online purpose-built training & safety program, ensuring all of our staff members, franchise partners and their workers, and contractors and their workers have access to up to date safe work methods and training, and regular reminders to complete safety tasks.

We are committed to:

  • prevent work-related injury and ill health through the implementation of our hazard identification, assessment, control and review process, together with our continually evolving training methods to ensure all workers understand safe work practices and
  • achieve the best possible outcomes for Injury Management and Rehabilitation where workplace incidents occur;
  • annually review our hazard identification, assessment and control processes and methods to ensure that our control methods are up to date with the latest information and innovations, and that past experiences in our industry can influence our future decisions in a positive way;
  • as a Franchisor, provide our Franchisees with an up to date, industry specific safety system to assist them to meet their legislative obligations. We do this by providing an online safety management system which engages our franchisees via ongoing
    automatic reminders to complete necessary compliance activities such as inspections, contractor management, consultation and much more to ensure continuous improvement

To find out more, please read our Jani-King WHS Policy.

ISO 14001 certified logo

Environmental Management System

We are committed to managing our processes, choices and services provided to minimise any negative impact on the environment. As part of our commitment, Jani-King achieved certification to the ISO 14001 international standard for Environmental Management Systems in 2019.

We have continued to take steps to enhance our environmental performance through methods such as:

  • Complying with all relevant regulations and standards applicable to our industry
  • Minimising waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as practicable
  • Sourcing and promoting a product range that minimises the environmental impact of our activities and aspects of our service delivery
  • Actively endorsing recycling programs and the use of recycled materials both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers through the development of commercial partnerships with companies dedicated to improving the environment
  • Developing and maintaining green cleaning training programs for franchisees and employees
  • Minimising emissions that contribute to climate change by supporting pollution prevention and minimisation programs
  • Regularly review our performance against our company environmental objectives

To find out more, please read our Jani-King Environmental Management Policy.

ISO 14001 certified logo

Environmental Sustainability

Jani-King is focused on the beneficial effects of green building practices and helping our clients become more environmentally sustainable. We understand the importance of protecting the environment and we work closely with building managers and owners to help them reduce waste, increase recycling and switch to environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals. 

In consultation with our client, some of the measures we can take to ensure we are doing our best to protect the environment include:

Energy efficient systems

Water-saving techniques

Recycling systems

Paperless reporting

Degradable bin liners

Eco-friendly chemicals

Bio-active toilet paper

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